A downloadable soundtrack


"FlameHeart" is an imaginary,  JRPG-style fantasy action game about a world in peril. When the World Dragon was slain by an unknown mercenary group, the seven lesser dragons of old were summoned back into the human realm to restore order. Each dragon is spiritually bound to enforce one of the seven heavenly virtues - prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude, faith, hope, and clarity - even if doing so would be at the cost of humanity's existence. The youngest of the dragons, Flameheart, overseer of temperance, finds himself in an unlikely pairing with Nila, heiress to a clan of legendary dragon killers. As the two find themselves at the center of a bitter, fractured war, they both hold each other to a single principle - to act with righteousness.


Track 1: Dragon's Dance - When the World Tree begins to burn, initiating the Second Cataclysm, Flameheart and Nila are caught in a race to the top against the two remaining lesser dragons and their companions. In this bitter culmination, emotions rage from determination, to desperation, to grand heroism. And this time, there are no holds barred.

Track 2: Mourning - "Wouldn't it be nice if they could've lived to see the world they made?"


Message from the artist:

Hi all! Emileiion here - though I actually go by EmilTwo on my other socials now (though also I'll probably change this name again soon hah). I'm a game dev based in NYC with a deep love for music, especially soundtrack things. In terms of my music background, I'm a violinist by trade and also play a bit of piano. Some of my favorite games/media include Nier, soulsbourne, and eva. I also really like the fire emblem aesthetic/feel/sound even though I haven't played any of the games (yet). I've been learning to produce/compose in my free time for a few years now and thought I should try entering into more public things like this. I didn't know OST Comp jams existed until I randomly came across this one, and it seemed like a fun thing to try so here I am.

In terms of sound inspirations, when I saw the theme, I immediately envisioned something related to a mix of the FF16, Fire Emblem, and Dark Souls sound - all games that I feel have an elegant aesthetic surrounding their use of dragons or beast-like beings. I hope you enjoy the works!

I used FL Studio 21 for this project - violin (other than the shorts) was live recorded by me. Vocals are from the synth V vocaloid software.


Emileiion - 1. Dragon's Dance.mp3 4.8 MB
Emileiion - 2. Mourning.mp3 2.8 MB

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